Friday, June 8, 2012

Fruits, fruits everywhere!

I went for a walk at my neighbourhood. Great discovery!

I picked up 3 types of fruits and sorted them accordingly.

How are they dispersed?
 I realised that there are not many specimens in my school and decided my homework  for these holidays is to build up the collection in my school. When term 3 starts, I am giving my P5 pupils each of them the fruit with winglike structure. When I taught the topic in March, I could not pick up any. And I promised them I would give each of them one. They were very excited because I told them it was amazing to see the fruits spin. They are waiting to observe how the fruits can spin beautifully!

I dont know the name of the fruits below but obviously they are dispersed by explosive action of the fruits. I always tell pupils to observe the characteristics of the fruits and infer how they are dispersed.

I am a little surprised that the fruits below are also likely to be dispersed by splitting too.

These fruits are brightly coloured and they split open. Normally fruits that are dispersed by splitting are dry and brown. Anyway, it is a pleasant surprise.

I do hope to pick up som shorea fruits and have told Shirley to help me look out.

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