Thursday, March 22, 2012


I did a demonstration in class to show how the amount of hot water affects the amount of egg being cooked. In my first Science class, I began the lessn by telling them the aim of the experiment. After that, I cracked 2 eggs, put one each in 200 ml and 450 ml of water at 91 degree celsius. After 3 mins, I got pupils to observe the egg and compare the eggs.

During the lesson, I realised I could have used POE( Predict, observe, explain) strategy and the effect would have been different. So I got pupils to predict and there were pupils actually predicted the egg in the 200 ml of water is more cooked. I was very curious so I immediately asked them to explain why they predicted the egg is more cooked in less amount of water. One boy explained there was less water. I guess he is using his prior knowledge that he needs a shorter time to heat up a smaller amount of water which him to think that egg is cooked after in smaller amount of water. But in this case, we are investigating how the different amount of water can affect the rate of egg being cooked.

In the end, my strategy has changed to PEOE. To my surprise, there is such a strategy. So I have learnt and applied another strategy by accident.

Here is the website for predict-explain - observe-explain.  http://www.usask.ca/education/coursework/mcvittiej/methods/predict.html

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